Here are the pictures of the crazy place called St. Louis where I am!

A few ppl from my floor after our night outing session.
One of the train stations (called Union Station). Mae Yue, it reminds me of the place in Italy we went to.
The fudge-maker at the station. The guy makes the heavenly delicious fudge in front of you while singing.

Me at the top of the arch and touching it! The arch is acually hollow and ppl use a life that goes sideways and up to get on top. It's like whacky Disneyland!

The courthouse where the first American Slave trial was held (this happened before Amistad).
The arch. According to them, they had to rebuild it cause the last piece of the metal did not fit. Anyways, because of the material that it's made up of, the images of the arch change during the day.
View of the city up from the arch.

The cool restaurant at the Loop (where Nelly the rapper came from). It's called Blueberry Hill and there are autographs of baseball players and other cool ppl there (I dunno who they are, but they look cool.... hahahahahaha). And they have the whole simpsons toy collection there too.
Oh, and btw, Tina Turner and Scott Joplin and Nelly are all from St. Louis! Cool siah!
Miss you guys lots! Van, go and study! Follow your studious roomate! Yoga, stop being depressed (becasue you meessseee me... hahahahahaaha). Cil, continue to find your identity (and when you get around to recording that album, tell us ya)! LOL! Tina, I still owe u money! Mae Yue the bimbo, BE a bimbo! Hahahahahahah.
Classes have started for me and I'm going crazy over the amount of stuff I have to read! BAH BAH! I WILL SURVIVE BABES!