Hey, I am currently not working, but I really want to though, cause staying home is boring and fat! Maybe will try to find a job when I return to Singapore.
Anyways, I have had 2 of my college interviews recently. I don't know what to say really cause I just wish I could've answered them better. Oh, and I retook the SATs in Jan and scored LOWER!!!! Oh man, I think SATs and I really got no 'yuan'!
In Vietnam, it's really cold, and I'm constantly freezing even though I hardly freeze in S'pore despite the fact that many of you do. I don't know what Cil is up to, but Sally is teaching her brother English and watching DVDs all day. I just bought a few DVDs too. Haha, I finally watched Balls of Fury, Chuck and Larry, and some other ones. They are effortlessly funny!
Oh, it's great that Matt can accomodate us once we get there. It's like a long chalet haha! And I have a temporary place of residence before I am able to find a house if I am plannin to stay there for a while.
OK, since Mae Yue the bimbo posted her CNY pics, maybe I'll post some of mine too.
My cousin and I at the Stone Church. It's cool cos the structure looks a lot like temple structures rather than that of churches.
Some of my old secondary school frenz and I during our attempted 'cooking and chit-chatting spree'. And I can't believe I let myself take pictures with pink baggy pants. (ya ya, call me housewife all you want! But you'll suffer in the future if you can't cook cause either you'll get suffocated by all the MSG and preservatives they put in Maggie Mee or you'll burn your pocket eating out!!! Hahahaha.... the truth is so MEAN )

Our final product! Hahaha!! By the way, the person working with the frying pans, boiling pots and seasoning wasn't me, sad to say. But I did the preparations! LOL

This is me (if you can't recognise who the fat person in winter clothing is) on a bridge that leads to a temple in the middle of one of Hanoi's lakes. (ya, the temple is in the middle of the lake)
That's all guys! Yoddles!