Meeeeee !!!!!
Yoz people! I bet you meezzzeed me A LOT!!!! Van, don't be bored. Go shopping or somethin? How are you guys doing in school? Having lessons and homework alr? Argh, I heard some singaporeans here say that the workload here is even heavier than that in Singapore!!!!!!!!!! And I have to take compulsory Writing composition I this sem and I heard got this singaporean guy who worked his brains and beauty sleep off just to get an A!!!!! Arrrgghhh!!! DIE!
Anyways, the flight was ok (a lot of turbulance, but I was surprisingly calm.... right Tina??). The Japanese air stewardees were so cute and bubly, so japanese!!! Hahahahaha! The food on Japan airlines was good! Had sushi!
Anyways, I arrived yesterday afternoon and skipped my lunch (had a big breakfast on the plane anyways). And I went with 2 other girls (1 a freshman from china and one a senior here) to Target to get stuff (went to Target today too!!! Spent like 100 US on fundamentally domestic things). And we went back and ordered pizza and guess what! We missed our pizza delivery guy and we had to starve!
There is a construction right outside my dorm and it woke me up super early this morning at 7.30. I slept at 12 yesterday after I finished unpacking! And guess what! The jet lag was so bad that I felt sleepy again at 9. But of course I didn't sleep cause I had to go to the bank to set up an account!!! Ok, and here comes the bank story:
Well, my school has a Bank of America and unfortunately, it was quite small. Before today,, I've heard nightmare stories that people come at 10 and had to wait until 1 to get their banking done! And guess what.... it was TRUE!!!!!! We arrived at 11.15 (I met a singaporean from RJ today too) and were told that we needed to wait, so we went for a tour and grabbed lunch! so at around 2, we got our turn. BUT....!!!!.... I never thought that American banks were SOOOOOOOO confusing!!!!!!!! We ended up having 2 hours of explanation and still weren't able to fully comprehend what the banking entails! So I ended up setting up 3 accounts under my name!!!!
Ok, here are some of the pics of the campus! Sorry for the low quality of the picture-taking! I was too lazy to take properly and photoshop! There are nicer ones to come!!!
Tokyo Narita airport at 6.30 in the morning. One word description: desolated! The shops were completely closed and there was no one in sight! I was like: "This can't be Tokyo! I got on the wrong plane!"

Cheescake factory!!!! This is in one of the shopping malls nearby called the Galleria. It has the best cheesecake in St. Louis.
Anyways, the flight was ok (a lot of turbulance, but I was surprisingly calm.... right Tina??). The Japanese air stewardees were so cute and bubly, so japanese!!! Hahahahaha! The food on Japan airlines was good! Had sushi!
Anyways, I arrived yesterday afternoon and skipped my lunch (had a big breakfast on the plane anyways). And I went with 2 other girls (1 a freshman from china and one a senior here) to Target to get stuff (went to Target today too!!! Spent like 100 US on fundamentally domestic things). And we went back and ordered pizza and guess what! We missed our pizza delivery guy and we had to starve!
There is a construction right outside my dorm and it woke me up super early this morning at 7.30. I slept at 12 yesterday after I finished unpacking! And guess what! The jet lag was so bad that I felt sleepy again at 9. But of course I didn't sleep cause I had to go to the bank to set up an account!!! Ok, and here comes the bank story:
Well, my school has a Bank of America and unfortunately, it was quite small. Before today,, I've heard nightmare stories that people come at 10 and had to wait until 1 to get their banking done! And guess what.... it was TRUE!!!!!! We arrived at 11.15 (I met a singaporean from RJ today too) and were told that we needed to wait, so we went for a tour and grabbed lunch! so at around 2, we got our turn. BUT....!!!!.... I never thought that American banks were SOOOOOOOO confusing!!!!!!!! We ended up having 2 hours of explanation and still weren't able to fully comprehend what the banking entails! So I ended up setting up 3 accounts under my name!!!!
Ok, here are some of the pics of the campus! Sorry for the low quality of the picture-taking! I was too lazy to take properly and photoshop! There are nicer ones to come!!!
This is the "Washington university in St. Louis" wall outside the dorm area! It's cool coz the uni is connected to the outside world through roads that lead directly to the main road (unlike a hem .... NUS, NTU, blah blah). They have these "sign walls" ouside every building that faces the road.
The nice grass patch and the I-don't-know-what yet buildings (I think the further one is the math building).
The nice ceiling near the tower they always show in pictures.
Cheescake factory!!!! This is in one of the shopping malls nearby called the Galleria. It has the best cheesecake in St. Louis.
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