THANK YOUS so so so so so so so so much for helping me today... although the work was so bloody anal and tedious heheh. i might have killed myself erasing alone. love maeyue for the wet cloth tip hahaha you might actually make a better housewife than PHOEBE!!!
yeah so basically maeyue tina phoebe came with me to help erase pencil marks on my wall right after bio mcq paper. (btw bio mcq is the sleepiest paper ever!!) after a while cil came too hehe... although my fingertip skin PEELED OFF but had some fun erasing at the same time singing and "discoing" to old pop hits haha....(how come we always listen to old songs when we are together? haha) phoebe, "gimme more gimme more gimme moreee"
my domestic helpers...haha... cil looks retarded hahahah im sorry =)) candid picture shows the true colors!


hoho... photoshopped it a bit to make it lighter but overdone hahaha the picture looks burnt

thish ish nice!!! but my huge face on the wall looks like its thinking "why are these four people sticking their butt to my face especially the old housewife one likes to act cute some more" =))

cil is officially our personal photographer but apparently you suck cil, your hands moved!!! :P
practice by taking our pictures more WAHAHAHA
okie anyway..... thanks again for helping me today...
oh then cil went off to esplanade and we girls went to eat a SINFUL, UNHEALTHY, OILY and FAT dinner at KAP. but fat/fast food equals happy food so who cares. LOOK!
THANK YOUS so so so so so so so so much for helping me today... although the work was so bloody anal and tedious heheh. i might have killed myself erasing alone. love maeyue for the wet cloth tip hahaha you might actually make a better housewife than PHOEBE!!!
yeah so basically maeyue tina phoebe came with me to help erase pencil marks on my wall right after bio mcq paper. (btw bio mcq is the sleepiest paper ever!!) after a while cil came too hehe... although my fingertip skin PEELED OFF but had some fun erasing at the same time singing and "discoing" to old pop hits haha....(how come we always listen to old songs when we are together? haha) phoebe, "gimme more gimme more gimme moreee"
my domestic helpers...haha... cil looks retarded hahahah im sorry =)) candid picture shows the true colors!


hoho... photoshopped it a bit to make it lighter but overdone hahaha the picture looks burnt

thish ish nice!!! but my huge face on the wall looks like its thinking "why are these four people sticking their butt to my face especially the old housewife one likes to act cute some more" =))

cil is officially our personal photographer but apparently you suck cil, your hands moved!!! :P
practice by taking our pictures more WAHAHAHA
okie anyway..... thanks again for helping me today...
oh then cil went off to esplanade and we girls went to eat a SINFUL, UNHEALTHY, OILY and FAT dinner at KAP. but fat/fast food equals happy food so who cares. LOOK!
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