Hey, I'm in school now waiting for all my pw members to finish physics spa... now next to Tina in the council room so just decided to post up pictures..since I can't do it in the hostel.. cuz it's blocked somehow.. HAHA.. so the above two pictures are like super early ones... see Mr.Ang! Ha, remember the time when we were in tc31? and he was like screaming or something cuz we were late or something! and this picture was taken at the airport while waiting for our juniors that time.. Then the picture below is Asean Hunt 2005? i think.. all the fake hitler stance which cannot make it one... haha...

THe pictures above? I thnk it's Asean dance 05 and then is asean dance 06? the one below is some free dance thing that we went for at Esplanade.. modern dance thing... homage to the moon or something..which I slept towards the end... HAHA.. see how we change!!!! i think i should cut my hair back to short... ??anyway.. it's been like close to 3 years we're here!!! like super long right? I still remember the first time i met you all.. Phoebe and Sally, van Tina... I went up to your room or something in December? And Yoga and Cil met you guys during the orientation in the hostel.. so nerd (Yoga i mean) haha.. and now like so poser with his dance moves and everything... haha.. but cool i gotta admit... so hopefully this blog will keep us in touch even though we leave and go wherever we're going after our A levels! so must musT MUST come update and check the blog okay?
lotsa love,maeyue:)
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